World-Wide Mission Statement

The Academy’s goal is to globally assist in the most significant step towards acquiring the educational and scientific tools needed for resolving the problems of non-renewable resources and building a new scientific civilization with a positive future in the Twenty-First Century. To this end, it examines new energy alternatives, methods to improve the global environment, space law, and multiculturalism whereby each country makes efforts applicable to their immediate environment in an attempt to accomplish this goal.

In South Africa, the Academy works to build better human relations between the various cultural tribal traditions, develop agricultural techniques, and teaches in the field of general studies through education and medicine on the secondary and the university level.

The Academy for Future Science works to assist in enhancing humanity’s future creativity through exploring the many techniques of educational and philosophical expressions in a learning context of educational programs for young people in the developing nations. By using multi-media tools for rapid transposition of new ideas of science into many languages, the Academy’s goal is to make improvements that will benefit the world community through sharing higher knowledge and new developments towards world citizenship.

The goals of the Academy are thus to work to achieve the following:

  • Raise consciousness through education in understanding the common past and unity of all people.
  • Achieve a common basis for dialogue on issues of new sciences through holding regular symposia and world conferences that share the same objectives of hope, cross-cultural understanding, and advancement of the human race.
  • To make people aware of the need for a world ethos and aid them in realizing that ethos of sharing a common higher heritage of global civilization.
  • Give future leaders in science and humanitarian projects the practical training to prepare them for the ethical and social demands of their vocations.
  • Help young people in the Third World through volunteer work in medical, agricultural, educational and scientific training.